Mohamed Elfayomi, PhD, Egypt
Gonzalo Cantos Mateos, M.Sc., Spain |
Muhammad Eldaidamony, M.Sc., Egypt |
Unit Head & Coordinator of Landscape Architecture Program, New Programs, Faculty of Engineering, Ain shams University. Head of Urban Design and Planning Division (formerly) in BECT - Bureau Egyptien de Conseil Techniques ( Consulting firm ) – Egypt.
Founder partner in M&m ARCHITECTURES. A visiting lecturer in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the European Regional Science Association or the American Institute of Architects, as well as visiting professor at Seville University (Spain), UIA - Iberoamerican University (Mexico) or Da-Yeh University (Taiwan).
Founder of Ktn Egypt, Founder of the Summer Training Course in Hungary and Slovenia. Teaching assistant in the Department of Architecture, Higher Technological Institute (HTI). Senior Urban planner in Talent Engineering Company (TEC). PhD candidate in the Department of Urban Design & Urban Planning, Ain Shams University (ASU).
Heba Fekry, M.Sc., Egypt |
Pedro Murilo Gonçalves, M.Sc., Brazil |
Ahmad Abou Hendia, M.Sc., Egypt |
Senior Urban and regional planner, holding a Master of Science Degree in Urban Management and Development/ Specialisation: Urban Competitiveness and Resilience, Erasmus University Rotterdam / The Netherlands. A Master of Science Degree in Geo-information Science and Earth Observation / Specialisation: Urban Planning and Management, Universiteit Twente / The Netherlands.
Architect and Urban Designer, Assistant Professor at Architecture and Urban Design Course at Universidade do Grande ABC (Uniabc; Santo André, Brazil),PhD Candidate on Architecture, Technology and Urban Studies – concentration field in Theory and Methodology of Architectonic Project – at Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp; Campinas, Brazil).
Teaching assistant in the Department of Architecture, Higher Technological Institute (HTI), and the Arab Academy for Science, Technology& Maritime Transport (AAST). Holding a master of Science from Cairo University Titled " Indoor Environmental Quality as Approach to Criticize and Develop the Egyptian Green Building and Rating System (Green Pyramid)” . International summer school . university of Stuttgart , Urban Institute , Stadebau - institut , Germany.
Randa Abd Elaziz, Ph.D, Egypt | |
Ahmed Sami Abd Elrahman, Ph.D, Egypt |
Ahmed Abdel Fattah, Egypt |
Architect-Urban Planner, finished her PhD studies in France at the IUP ‘‘L’Institut d’Urbanisme de Paris”, she is now an Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture at the French University of Egypt (UFE) and also at the Department of Planning and Urban Design in Ain Shams University where she teaches Architectural Design, Urban Design, Urban Landscape History of the City and Research Methodology. She was nominated for the ‘‘Aga Khan Award for Architecture-cycle 2013” for the project ‘‘BeitA˜ lRawi”.
Assistant professor at Urban Design & Planning Department – Faculty of Engineering – Ain Shams University; he has extensive experience in sustainable development with particular emphasis on large scale residential projects, waterfront development, local development, coastal planning and public participation. He has been involved in teaching Architecture Design, Urban Planning, Urban Design and landscape design and Waterfront development in Ain Shams University, Arab Academy for Science & Technology (AAST).
Chief Operations Officer of Talent Engineering Company (TEC) with experience of successfully coordinating the activities of various departments concerned with the design, detailing, management and R&D. Comfortable working with people of all levels and having an excellent commercial approach to solving problems and developing business processes. Having proven people management skills, with the ability to manage performance and motivate staff on an individual and team level.
Zsolt Vasáros, Ph.D, Hungary |
Levente Halász, M.Sc., Hungary |
Ahmed Nabih Elmenshawy, Ph.D, Egypt |
Associate Professor in the Department of Department of Industrial and Agricultural Building Design, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology & Economics. Founder of Narmer Studio in Budapest. Archeologist expert in Al-Gourna western bank of Luxor, Egypt.
International project manager, research fellow, lecturer, for urban geography, urban sociology and urban regeneration in Eötvös
Loránd University, Doctoral School of Earth Sciences. Also, working for coordination and management of international mobility
projects, organization of international conferences, edition of e-Books, and reading lectures.
Head of Architecture Department from at the Higher Technology Institute 10th of Ramadan City. Project Manager and Coordinator for Shop Drawing for Developing the security locations of Interior Minister Fourth Stage – Public Security Command, Saudi Arabia at AAW Consultant Engineers.
M. AbuHammad, M.Sc., Palestine | |
Szilvia Kovács, MA, Hungary | |
Sunniva Sutestad, M.Sc., Norway |
Architect and Urban Planner with 10 years of experience in the fields of architecture, cultural heritage and cultural landscape conservation, and Urban Planning. UNICA Euromaster in Urban studies (4CITIES): “New Developments in World Heritage Context, a Contextual Approach” investigates the merits of new developments inside UNESCO world heritage sites. Project officer of the Local development through the rehabilitation and revitalization of historic environment in Palestine.
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Sociologist-Economist, PhD candidate at TU Vienna, with the research project called: “The Artist as Urban Planner. A Social Science Research”, based on a DOC-team Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (2012-2016). Also, she worked as a junior researcher in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Sociology, in Budapest (2009-2012).
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Senior Landscape Architect at Asplan Viak, in Norway. holding a Master of Landscape Architecture from Writtle School of Design, United Kingdom. Also, worked on a grand restoration project in Essex, which led to a deeper understanding of Landscape construction and maintenance in particular. Interested in Vintage Camera's, landscape photography, industrial heritage and archaeology.
Tomasz Tomaszek, PhD, Poland
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Dóra Dávid, Hungary
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Yehya M. Serag, PhD, Egypt
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Assistant Professor; Department of Conservation of Monuments, Faculty of Civil, Environmental Engineering and Architecture; Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland. He holds MFA degree in Conservation and Restoration of Fine Art Objects from Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow, Poland. He obtained his PhD degree in Discipline of Architecture and Urbanism from Krakow University of Technology, Poland.
Currently he is conducting the research devoted to developing the appropriate methods of conservation of the wooden orthodox churches from south-eastern part of Poland.
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Architect, TDK research // Students’ Research Societies „Informal and Designed Cities in the Middle-East: current tendencies and options in the future institute: Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Worked on the project of the Higher Technological Institute of 10th of Ramadan City (Egypt) and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) „Luxor-Thebes West Bank /Multilayered Cultural Landscape in Thebes“. Representative of IAESTE at the „Students‘ Foreign Affairs Board“ of BME.
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Assistant professor at the urban planning department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Program coordinator
of the Master program of Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design (IUSD), a joint master program between Ain Shams University and Stuttgart University in Germany, Partner with the Engineering Consultant Office for Planning and Architecture (ECOPA) involved in formulating the strategic and detailed plans for several cities, villages and regions in Egypt.